Often times, homeowners want to update their home to create bigger spaces and better views to the outdoors. The conversation often starts with, “can I remove this wall?” Rosie’s answer is, “yes, with a good engineer and a big enough budget, you can get rid of any load bearing wall.”...
Are you wondering if your air conditioner unit is running efficiently or if it might be time to replace your A/C altogether? “The most important thing that homeowners can do, when it comes to air conditioning, is to focus on the things that cost you the least and save the most.”...
Rosie understands why one of the most common questions this time of year is "how can I keep my home cool, and do it affordably?" Keeping your home cool while living in the desert southwest can be especially challenging when daytime highs are in the 100 and nighttime lows are 90 or above. The main issue is that, with such extreme heat, the home and its surfaces do not have a chance to shed their heat gain before the sun rises again. We've put together some tips for how to affordably cool your home and save money in the process...
If you are fighting off unwanted pests at your home, find out what they like to eat, where they like to sleep, and get rid of it! We've got tips for getting rid of the creepy crawlies, the nesting creatures, the critters that buzz, and even the wild animals around your home ...
When it comes to security, everyone is concerned! We want to know that when we are home, we are safe inside and when we are away, we want to know that our belongings are safe. Our mission today is to compare DIY systems with the traditional alarm companies...
Outdoor living is part of the magic of living in the Southwest. No matter where you live in Arizona sunshine is plentiful and we don't have to share our outdoor space with a lot of creepy crawlies. In the summertime the issue for enjoying the fresh air is the long hours of hot temps and relentless sunshine. The good news is that the low humidity, dry air we have is easily cooled with moisture...
When the neighbor’s barking dog sounds like it’s standing next to your bed, windows are hard to open or close or dust on the furniture is a constant battle, it’s time for window replacements in your home. So how do you choose the best energy efficient windows with upgrades that are worth the investment, while remaining true to your budget?...
Solar energy is here to stay. Harnessing the energy of the sun just makes sense, especially here in Arizona, where free energy falls from the sky nearly all year round. It's worth remembering that offsetting utility bills is even more essential now that families are spending more time at home. What's more, turning your roof into its own generating station adds greater independence and peace of mind during times of crisis...
A good irrigation system is based on several factors including the type of soil, plant choices and location. Taking the time to plan and design your project can save money in the long run. Installing a quality irrigation system is the best thing you can do to ensure your plants will be well nourished and healthy and from there your yard will grow...
Every homeowner wants to know that they are ready to weather the desert temps comfortably. If you are a regular Rosie on the House listener, you have heard Rosie talk about the importance of a whole house energy audit: "it's such a great place to start", Rosie says. An audit is scheduled if it's determined there is potential for energy improvements, upgrades and/or savings...
Today, small businesses have their work cut out for them. After weeks of uncertainty they are ready to get back to normal. What does "normal" look like? What steps are being taken to stay sanitary? ...
Have you been thinking about all of the upgrades you would like to make to your landscape? It is important to put in some time planning and researching before taking on a landscape project. A well done landscape brings enjoyment to the homeowner and adds value to the home. We visited with Janet Waibel of Waibel and Associates Landscape Architecture this week. Waibel promotes sustainability in the urban landscape and she says...
Tile roofs are a symbol of the southwest, rich in color, long lasting, and pleasing to the eye. If you have a tile roof, or any roof for that matter, you will want to keep it beautiful and in good working order. Longevity of the roof at your home will depend on many factors including the workmanship from when the house was originally built, how the roof has been maintained, and weather events...
With a little perseverance and flexibility there is hope that energy bills can be tamed. You can manage the demand yourself and your savings will go further if your home is maintained for efficiency...
Over 85% of the water supply in the US qualifies as hard water. Water purification is top of mind at this time as people are more concerned about their water supply than usual during times of epidemics and illness. A good quality purification system will give you quality water. These systems remove up to 98 percent of metals, pathogens, chlorine, and dirt, so your water smells and tastes like nothing but water...
When starting your next Home Improvement project, you'll come to find that applying for and receiving permits requires more patience than a stripped nail. When it comes to the incredible complex world of permitting, you'll want to make sure you have a grasp of what they are and why we need them. Knowing what they are and how they function before you start your next major project will save you a whole lot of headache down the road. ...
Converting a Carport to an enclosed garage involves a lot more than throwing up a couple of walls and hanging a garage door. In fact, if that's all you do you'll be creating two problems for yourself: A code violation, and a potential fire trap. This week we will cover what you'll need to know before starting such a project...
Painting your home can seem like a daunting task, it is one of the larger paint jobs many us of us will experience during our lives. You'll want to be sure it gets done right, but what does that exactly entail? This week we cover how to settle on the perfect paint for your home, and how to find the right painter to get that done! ...
Think you might like to join the 9 million people who hit the road in an RV this year? Modern RV’s have amenities similar to home with solid surface countertops, designer elements from real to not so real tile backsplashes. With residential refrigerators, induction cooktops, electric fireplaces, lift beds, porcelain tile floors, multiple LCD TVs - new RVs, especially larger ones, often rival new household construction in design and cosmetic trends...
If you are in the market for new cabinets, you may be pleasantly surprised! With all of the improvements to functionality and updates in style, every homeowner can have a kitchen that works for them and enhances their lifestyle...