Often times, homeowners who own a ranch style home, that has not been renovated, want to update their home to create bigger spaces and better views to the outdoors. The conversation often starts with, "Can I remove that wall to update my home and make a bigger living space?" Rosie's answer is, "yes, with a good engineer and a big enough budget, you can get rid of any load bearing wall."
Ranch style homes were originally introduced in 1930 in California after WWII. Rosie says, "we built a ton of them here in Arizona in the 60's and 70's. When you walk in the front door you are greeted with the family room and living room usually divided by a wall creating 2 medium size spaces. For homeowners who are looking for larger, airy rooms with more light, removing that wall is a great way to update a home."
The first question, when considering the removal of a wall should be, "is it load bearing?" If it is a ranch style home, you can assume that it is.
In the 60's homes were not generally built with roof trusses as they are now. Conventional framing was used and relied on that center wall for support.
In conventional framing, the ceiling joist rests on the outside walls of the house as well as the center wall in the house. The center wall carries a considerable amount of weight and usually has a member or two tied vertically to the rafters.
During construction a trench in the concrete floor was usually created where the wall would be placed. This offered the interior wall linear support.
When the wall is removed, it will be replaced with a horizontal beam, which will be supported at each end by a vertical post. These posts carry the concentrated load of all the ceiling and roof weight.
This project definitely requires permitting. The permit will dictate that a construction engineer is consulted to ensure that the replacement posts and beam are sufficient to hold the weight that is being displaced by the removal of the wall.
Whether or not the beam is exposed is a matter of preference. Some homeowners really like the look of the exposed wood. It does cost a bit more to recess the beam.
"There you have it!", says Rosie. "Bada Bing Bada Boom!" Homeowners who have chosen to take the wall out are generally elated! The new room can be enhanced with an upgraded entertainment center, larger sitting or gaming areas and flexibility for different functions.
Congratulations! - You are going to love your new space! If you are ready to get started removing a wall, be sure to reach out to the best of the best: Rosie on the House Certified General Contractors & Remodelers
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