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- More about the happenings at the AZ Game & Fish Outdoor Expo.
Jay from Harper's Nursery & Landscaping Company joins the broadcast to take questions about anything in your landscape!
- We talk about attracting wildlife into your yard versus getting rid of them.
- Bougainvillea plants are exploding right now! Same with Palo Verde trees.
- It's been an early and extended flowering season this year.
- Adding bright colors to your yard.
- Barbara - She planted hosta plants in a shady area and they came up but now they the leaves are curling and the edges of the leaves are turning brown?
Recommendation - Jay's never seen a hosta plant do well in the Southern Arizona or Phoenix area. It needs a higher elevation or cooler temps to be successful.
*We discuss alternatives for Barbara to try.
- Lawns are transitioning this time of year. Jay & Romey talk about what you should be doing.
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Romey talks to Mike at Briggs & Stratton about a new motor he loves.
- History...starting in 1908.
- Steven Briggs graduated from South Dakota State University.
- Where their motors are used.....lawn mowers, snow blowers, etc.
- Romey's excited about their P2200 PowerSmart Series Invertor Generator.
- It's quiet and makes tailgaiting or camping more enjoyable! It's even lighter than the standard generator.
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- Romey updates us from our on-site location, the Ben Avery Shooting Facility for the Outdoor Expo by the AZ Game & Fish Department.
- Kathy - She has a 4 year old apricot tree and the fruit seems to be dropping early before they are ripe. What could cause that?
Recommendation - Sometimes people confuse the ovary of the flower with the fruit, but it sounds like that is not happening to her. It could be a variety that doesn't do well here and it gets too hot to produce fruit.
*Romey & Jay discuss what goes into having a succesful fruit tree.
Text From a Listener:
- Will a hibiscus plant grow better in a pot or in the ground? Plus, how should she fertilize the soil?
Recommendatio - Hibiscus do great in pots, maybe even better than in the ground. They like drainage, but they are heavy feeders. If it's in a pot, it needs more water, more food to be successful. Use a fertilome or Biofeed product to supplement the soil. Just be careful to not burn the plant.
*What you can learn at "Hot Dogs & Horticulture" this month. (They're celebrating 71 years in business!)
*Vegetables garden tips.
Text From a Listener:
- They want to cover a view fence with a vine. It'll take full sun and she doesn't want too much litter. Does Jay have any tips?
Recommendations - Try cat claw or a tangerine beauty crossvine.
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- Dave - He saw a plant called ceanothus wild lilac & wonders if Jay had ever tried growing them here?
Recommendation - Jay has tried them here and our soil here makes it very tough to grow here. He could try a container or pot to grow it in.
Text From a Listener:
- Out of the last 5 years, he's only had one good season. Any suggestions?
Recommendation - Watermelon takes up a lot of room and you need to plant a lot of them. It's a numbers game and will struggle to flower and succeed.
*Jay's Spring Planting tips for this time of year.
Thanks to Jay and remember that you can always find him at Harper's Nurseries & Landscaping Company!