Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
We discuss the history of Rosie On The House and how we've gone from a "triple dog dare" to a 4-hour program over the last 27 years!!
Jennifer Recaps the 5 tips from last weeks Valentine's Day Show....
Five Tips from this Book by Shaunti Feldhan for the fellas:
Five Tips for the Ladies:
Mark Salem joins the program to defend himself from Rosie's razzing and to share some fun stories about the show's history.
We talk through some emails we received from listener's during the week and correct some mispronunciations and other fun corrections.
John Jay from Harper's Nursery share his history with the show too!
*We share some of Rosie's first wasn't exactly "radio magic," but it sure is funny now.
Jennifer talks "BUGS":
Letters from Listeners:
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
John Jay from Harper's Nursery & Landscaping Company joins us to take questions about anything to do in your landscape or garden!
Tip of the Week: Keeping up with our theme, Jay shares how to decide if a plant is worthy of a "presidential" garden.
*Rosie talks geocaching and shares a few stories.
*Jay talks about the landscape conditions in Washington D.C.
*We talk through caring for your landscape & garden while frost is still a possibility.
For Pruning Classes, call John at Integrity Tree Service or find more classes at Grow Phoenix with our good friend, Greg Peterson of The Urban Farm.
Romey & Jay talk through lawn care and what to expect the next few months with your winter lawn.
Recommendations - Jay, Rosie and Romey discuss their dream trips if KTAR picked up the tab....
It's time to get working on those spring and vegetable gardens! Make sure it's done and established before it gets too hot.
*What plants are considered "winter plants" and "summer plants" for your garden?
Tip: Plant veggies and fruit plants you like....don't plant a grapefruit tree if you don't like grapefruit.
Recommendation - Yes, but it's too late for Irish or White Potatoes, but he can start sweet potatoes and have them in time for Thanksgiving. 2nd Question....sweet potatoes grow differently, but it's worth a try so go for it.
*If you're new to AZ, our favorite gardens are raised planters with stacked Belgaard Retaining Walls from Supertlite Block in Phoenix or Tucson.
Recommendation - Blueberries don't do that well here, so definitely put it in a planter. Blackberries do much better here.
Congratulations to Harper's Nursery as they celebrate 70 years in business this year!
Jay discusses what to beware of when buying plants at the bigger stores, instead of a locally owned nursery. They buy in bulk, so it might not have plants that are specific to your area. They buy for Phoenix, Tucson and Flagstaff markets together. Plants that are successful in one of those regions won't do well in another. Do your research! ( Even Better, Buy Locally!)
Recommendation - It's probably a bug common to those that needs to be sprayed off and treated. The blacks spots are most likely the 2nd phase and caused by the white spots created by the bugs.
If you have gardening and landscaping questions for Jay, visit Harper's Nursery & Landscaping Company in Scottsdale!
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
*Rosie and Romey talk about their construction background.
Our goal at Rosie on the House is to be every Arizona homeowner's best friend!
*We recently we've updated our certified partners in the Referral Network. Make sure you're checking the site BEFORE you make a call!
Romey's Digital Newsroom:
Recommendation - Consumer Warning! This is a common insurance offer and if you haven't replaced the line yet, why pay for a replacement on something that hasn't broken yet? Be very very wary!
Recommendation - This is a very confusing issue with a lot of bad advice out there. We put together a consumer guide specifically for this issue. Click Here!
*Rosie breaks down the in's & out's of water treatment. Don't be afraid of salt!!! If they try to scare you with salt, it's a major red flag)
For Water Treatment in Phoenix, we recommend Water Treatment Technologies.
Recommendation - The sticker with all the specific information should have an 800 number he can call. Rosie walks him through the possible reasons for the leak and what he can do to verify it's installed correctly.
Recommendation - Rosie is stumped......she needs to follow up with Jarred at TEKNA Security.
Sign up for the Sanderson Ford Arizona Staycation Here!!!
(Rosie talks through tons of events happening across the state this month.)
Special thanks to our partners: Sanderson Ford, Arizona Highways, The Arizona Office of Tourism, Cactus Candy Company, Cerretta Candy Company and Coyote Oaties.
Recommendation - The deadline is coming up in March and suppliers are allowed to sell the existing inventory. Most of the water heaters already meet this standard, so its not a major concern. If it's used as a scare tactic to sell you new equipment, avoid that contractor.
*We discuss new fireplace rules and regulations. It's a HUGE new book of standards.
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
We're talking through the remodeling history of The White House plus Your Home Improvement Questions.
Rose called in to correct our pronunciation of Millard Fillmore, the 13th President and a member of the Whig Party.
More history of remodeling the White House.....Theodore Roosevelt was the first to take on major fixes in the 1900's. They were considering tearing it down, because it was so run down.
*Harry Truman's daughter had a piano fall through the White House floor. They had to move out to the Blair House while the building was reinforced with steel.
We found the Millard Fillmore Campaign Song, The Millard Wagon.
**This is a great reminder: FILL OUT YOUR WARRANTY CARDS AND SEND THEM IN!!!! It probably saved Dennis anywhere from $300 to $700.
**If you saved money b/c of Rosie on the House, we ask you to pay it forward and donate places like Habitat for Humanity.
More Remodeling History of The White House:
Recommendation - Since she's a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, we're going to send someone out to take care of this for her. Romey removed the sensors at his home because they came on too much.
**We go back to our question from the last segment... How many gallons of paint does it take to paint the exterior of the 55,000 square feet of The White House:
Answer: Just under 600 gallons of paint.
One more White House Fact: Carter installed solar panels in 1979. Reagan removed them in 1981. Obama has reinstalled them.
Join Rosie On The House Every Saturday Morning!!!