Broadcasting on KTAR, KAFF, KNST & KGVY
Special Guest in the Studio: Eric Mytko from Life's a Garden
Roger Ramsey from Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Products
Recommendation: Yes, Clorox will work. Make sure to get all the roots
Recommendation: Keep it covered from the sun, Alumini Shade Cloth; Harper's Nursery
Recommendation: ****
Recommendation: Supplemental Watering, Root Barrier can be installed planting or after its planted
Watering for Root Growth
Letter from Listener
Recommendation: Gopher Snakes; Hardware cloth under garden beds, Chicken wire around root balls of newly planted trees, wood mulch; find a community garden
Recommendation: look for a leak, get an Arborist to help you out
Recommendation: Cut low and fertilize your Bermuda, Do NOT Cut water, Cut Rye down short so Bermuda can photosynthesize
Recommendation: A-Z Equipment for mechanics to remove altogether
Broadcasting on KTAR, KAFF, KNST & KGVY
Recommendation: Yes, you can walk on it ; brushing with power broom, primer, spray and back roll the coating on, make sure it's even; 2 gallons per square in two passes
What can a homeowner expect to pay for re-coating foam roof?
What about a Flat Roof?
Recommendation: Rosie will research and get back; Andersen makes a Fibrex, vinyl mixed with fiber; talk to someone whose had the product for 4-5 years. Pella Windows-Vinyl needs to be reinforced with our heat; Full Fiberglass Window from Pella
Digital Newsroom:
Recommendation: Advanced Home Systems, 602-799-5656
Recommendation: The Solar Store-Electrical in Tucson
Broadcasting on KTAR, KAFF, KNST & KGVY
Recommendation: Rosie will stop by when in Tucson, he likes concrete block filled with foam
Stephanie's Facebook Question: Good Morning! I have a 1960's galley kitchen with a very LARGE exhaust fan over the cooktop - is it easy to remove it or replace it with a microwave that has an exhaust system?
Recommendation: Rosie says don't do it, the microwave does not have the volume she needs
$75 off from Austin Electric on Whole House Surge Protection only for Rosie Listeners
Recommendation: Lightning Busters, Bob Ross or Austin Electric Services
Recommendation: Protecting your Chimney is important, it's the highest point, lightning is attracted to the highest point
Whole House Surge Protection and Lightning Protection with Austin