Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
We're out in the yard with Jay Harper of Harper's Nursery & Landscaping Company!
Tip of the Week: We talk about the care of roses and deciduous trees for this time of year.
(Jay & the crew at Harper's host "Hot Dog's & Horticulture" events)
*The crew discusses the different degrees of frost damage....what is a"hard freeze?" We give advice on covering plants, properly.
Letter from a Listener:
Recommendation - Usually it's not an issue. It takes sustained cold to cause any real damage.
Tip: Our topic today is on "home gyms" and getting back in shape after the holidays.
*The guys discuss what you can start growing this time of year in Arizona.
"Get Christmas Put Away & Get In The Garden!"
We go back to our discussion on pruning roses....and deciduous trees.
If you have questions: Call Harper's Nursery in Phoenix
Recommendation - Pruning up should be fine...treat it with trunk paint or use a wrap to keep them away.
Recommendation - The key is keeping the chlorine level high enough to keep it clean. Remember, that the resorts have a full-time staff caring for and monitoring their fountains.
Recommendation - The best time of year to do this is mid-summer, but it is okay to do it now, especially considering the safety hazards of falling debris.
Recommendation - They will grow in a pot or in the ground and do well here. They bloom in the spring and you'd want to split it in late September or early October.
If you have more landscaping questions, call Jay at Harper's Nursery & Landscaping!
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
Recommendation - Rosie doesn't think wrapping the whole unit will help. Possibly, think about insulating the vents coming into the house. A "pressure test" could determine another issue that's causing the cold air.
(We discuss all the issues with "Heat Pumps" blowing cold air during cold Arizona mornings)
Will "Super-Heating" work the same as "Super-Cooling?"
We have fun talking about our topic and start our contest to giveaway Coyote tickets from KTAR!
Recommendation - Read this article...For Judy in Phoenix, call Integrity Air Conditioning or Knight Air Conditioning.
Letter's from Listener's:
Recommendation - Yes, covering them will hold in the heat, but don't expect much savings.
Recommendation - There are several products out there to help with this. Try a "re-circulating pump." (Make sure it's on a timer, though!)
Recommendation - It's probably "rock wool" insulation. Rely on her builder, if she trusts them. She'll probably use foam through part of the home and mix different types to keep the house comfortable at a reasonable price. Call Banker Insulation!
*Rosie explains what a "thermal bridge" is.
Don't forget to sign up for the Sanderson Ford Arizona Staycation!
Recommendation - It's completely normal evaporation, so don't worry about it!
We're talking about New Year's Resolution's and share the top resolution's from 1947, compared to now!
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
We're joined by Rosie's daughter, Katie! She's studying kinesiology and is here to share tips on getting in shape for 2015!
Workout Recommendations:
We discuss theories on working out in the morning versus the evening:
Katie shares her best regimen to lose weight, successfully....alternate cardio and weight lifting. Diet suggestions too!
Losing weight is not something that should happen in a matter of weeks and you're's a lifestyle change.
Tip: Get a Physical evaluation from your doctor and then get started! What's good for you....what's not? Start Simple!
Remember - Your stomach is only the size of your open palm.
Katie & Rosie discuss how to go about picking the right equipment for your home:
*Katie shares a tip on eliminating back issues while riding a bike.
A caller heard Rosie talking about riding his bicycle and recommended an Elliptigo!
Katie's favorite piece of equipment - A Stationary Bicycle Exercise Stand!
Join Rosie On The House Every Saturday Morning 8 to 11!!!