Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
Romey is broadcasting from Prescott at the Arizona Community Tree Council's Annual Convention. We're talking trees with John Eisenhowser with Integrity Tree Service!
Tip of the Week: With the hot weather behind us, we can plant and transplant! You can prune some too, just don't take it to far.
John introduces Gary Huff with RRS Landscape Solutions in Prescott. They discuss a favorite tree to Northern Arizona region.....the Ash Tree.
Why an Ash Tree?
**We cover the common problems with specific trees in Arizona. An education in proper care and what thrives in certain regions is key to a healthy tree to shade your yard.
**The drought is causing statewide stress on trees and our group of arborists share stories to help you understand what you can do and why your trees might be struggling.
Broadcasting from the Arizona Community Tree Council's Annual Convention!
Romey snagged a leaf off a tree he thought looked good in Prescott and guess what?!?! We've got the experts standing by to talk about the Sycamore Tree and its advantages and disadvantages.
Recommendation - After our hot summers, it's normal to have some distress on such a new tree. He could actually be over-watering to treat the symptoms. It also could be a soil issue.
Recommendation - Yes! Just don't overdue it.
Recommendation - Chinese elms are susceptible to sunburn and over-pruning or incorrectly pruning can expose too much sun causing damage. Wrapping the branches for a year or so could save the tree by protecting it while it heals.
Recommendation - "Pruning Sealer" has been proven to be pretty ineffective and John's never recommends it. If you insist on using it, go with the aerosol spray type and use it from a distance as a touch up. Let it heal naturally.
Recommendation - After a summer like we've had and most of the fruit looks okay, it's probably fine. It's also normal to see the fruit taking extra nutrients that normally go to the leaves and that's why the curl up this time of year.
*We also hear a unique idea for adding iron to your tree if it needs some extra nutrients.
*Call John Eisenhower with Integrity Tree Service with all your tree questions at 602-788-0005!
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
We're joined by Director William Mundell with the Arizona ROC to discuss how the recent weather brings out unscrupulous contractors.
New scam alert!!!!
*Reminder - 97 Percent of Arizona Contractors are honest and do great work, but the small number are responsible for the majority of complaints.
The Digital Newsroom:
Testimonial from a listener - Arizona Chimney Sweep came to her home, found out the problem was just aesthetic and fixing it won't help with function. She loved their honesty and had a wonderful experience.
Tom & Judy - He's been "super-cooling" his home for the past 5 months and he doesn't even want to think about how much his energy bills would have been if he hadn't listened.
**Rosie shares his thoughts on a caller who questions the ROC and how effective they are.
Recommendation - It was a way to save money and we've moved away from them after discovering the aluminum would vibrate and the bolts will work themselves loose. Lock nuts do solve the problem.
Recommendation - He can sand it lightly and treat it with a tint to try and bring it back to it's original state. Bring a cabinet door to a PPG Pittsburg Paints store. They can walk him through the whole process. Try it on the back of a door and in different daylights to make sure he's happy with the result.
Sign up for the Sanderson Ford Arizona Staycation here!
Recommendation - Toilets got a bad reputation about 15 years ago due to the low flow requirements, but the industry has caught up and most major brands are good to go. (Pun intended!) Rosie suggests going to specialty plumbing store like Central Arizona Supply or San Plumbing Supply. For questions on the taller toilets, call Stampede Plumbing or Thunderbird Plumbing.
Recommendation - Call Lyons Roofing in Tucson at 520-300-5353!
**With an increase in humidity, we're finding that condensation is building up on the duct work from the AC unit. If the roof leak is not the problem, call an AC expert like Intelligent Design.
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
In-Studio with Jack and Elizabeth Tayolr with OK-Corrals !!!
We're talking Pets and how to keep them safe in the desert!
Rosie & Jennifer reminisce about some of their favorite pets and some of their not so favorite animals in the Romero household over the years.
*You won't believe some of the stats on how much $$$ Americans spend on pets!
Jack and Elizabeth share their story and we walk through what they do and how he protects your pets in a kennel right in your own backyard.
Remember Shade for your Pets. Summer sun is dangerous and leaving them exposed isn't just's cruel and could be deadly!
A tree is the best way to create shade for your pet, but Jack shares how to create the most shade with a man-made structure!
We talk birds:
We move on to containing your pets at home, both inside and out:
If you want a custom built containment sturctures for your pets, call Ok-Corrals at 855-433-8698.
Jack shares their story and how they're main goal is to keep your animals safe. He give his word!
The discussion continues:
Been trying to find a way to keep your pets safe and still make the yard look and smell good?
Thanks to Jack and Elizabeth from OK-Corrals. If you need tips or a new kennel, call them at 855-433-8698.
Join Rosie On The House every Saturday morning from 8 to 11!!!