John Eisenhower of SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Weeping Acacia Tree!
Form & Character: Evergreen, medium in size, tree
Seasonal Color: They flower during the winter; yellow-green to cream colored
Leaves: Narrow, slender leaves
Flowers: Pale yellow flowers in small ball clusters
Fruit: 1-5 inch pods
Stems/Trunks: Grayish brown in color. Smooth when young but grows a medium light texture
Range/Origin: Eastern Australia
Hardiness: Sunset 8, 9, 13-24; USDA: 9-11
Comments: Is willow-like, weak-wooded, prone to monsoon wind damage, can be invasive
Exposure: Full sun
Water: Infrequent deep irrigations; can be overwatered; use water to control how fast it grows and the strength of the wood
Soil: Must have well drained soil
For more info view the full plant specifications from ASU's Virtual Library of Phoenix Landscape Plants
Sarah Maitland of SavATree is joined by special guest Laura Hackett of Liberty Wildlife Rescue who care for injured wildlife. The bird population in North America has drastically decreased over decades. We explain how trees in your landscape can help wildlife and improve co-existence with birds and other wildlife. Plus the Tree of the Month for August the Weeping Acacia!