Tune into Talking Trees on Saturday, February 10th at 8:06AM Arizona time. That is when we will be learning about the Tree of the Month! #TexasMountainLaurel
Form: Shrub or small tree
Seasonality: Evergreen
Size: 25 Feet tall by 15feet wide
Leaves: Compound, 4 - 6 in. long, divided into 7 - 9 glossy leaflets 1 - in. long, dark green
Flowers: Sweet smelling, purple / blue clusters from mid winter into spring forming a drooping cluster
Fruit: 1 - 8 in. long silver/brown seed pods. The pods open when ripe exposing 1/2 inch bright red seeds which are poisonous if ingested
Stems/Trunks: multi stemmed
Range/Origin: Native to the Chihuahua desert
Comments: Low litter, No thorns
February Home Maintenance Calendar Tree of the Month: #TexasMountainLaurel
February 10th, 2018 - Radio Broadcast Archive