Tis' the season for lights! #HolidayPlantLights are always beautiful and won't hurt your plants when adorned properly. Plus the Tree Of The Month: #ChineseElm. This is a great shade tree that adapts to limited growing areas.
As temperatures begin to drop, lighten up the pruning on most evergreen trees except for deadwood removal and structural improvements.
More vigorous trees like mesquites, olives, sumacs and eucalyptus can handle a little more pruning. In fact, a light pruning may be needed for faster-growing trees that can’t safely go a full year with their normal summer trimming. This semi-annual interval also has the benefit of tidying up “shaggy” trees for the holiday season.
It will soon be time to prune all deciduous trees and shrubs in December and January.
It’s a great time to begin a compost pile with all your raked leaves and other fall yard waste. Compost now to create a great potting soil or top dressing for your garden next Spring.
Combine equal parts of brown + green yard waste and add water!
Periodically turn compost pile and add water again.
Note: A compost pile needs to be deep and wide enough to maintain a high enough temperature to “cook.” To this end, building a compost bin is helpful. More composting tips
If you plan to put up lights for the holidays, it’s helpful to prune your trees ahead of time. It makes removal of the lights easier too.
Also, don’t nail or staple wires to branches. Use gardening tape or twine instead.
To prevent girdling of branches, remove lights from trees after the holidays each year.
Certified Arborist Sarah Maitland of SavATree is joined by Aimee Esposito of Trees Matter whose mission is to promote an increased tree canopy as part of the benefits of tree growth among other projects, including planting trees to remember COVID passings. The Tree Of The Month: The Chinese Elm. From composting to mulching, trees add value to your home. Plus the proper way to hang holiday lights on your trees without damaging them.
SavATree is a commercial and residential tree care company specializing in tree maintenance and removals. They provide quality tree service to homes and businesses throughout the valley.
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