Tune in to Rosie on the House on Saturday July 14th at 8:30AM Arizona time where we will be learning about the Tree of the Month for July! #MonksPepperTree
Podcast and a summary transcript will be added to this page after the live radio broadcast.
Form: Shrub or multi-stemmed tree
Seasonality: Deciduous
Size: 25ft high by 25ft wide
Leaves: Dark green foliage, leaves compound; odd number of leaflets (usually 5); dark green above, lighter and hairy underneath
Flowers: Purple spikes to 7in long, drooping from the ends of branches; bloom in early summer; in some varieties flowers are pink or white
Fruit: Berries; small seed, smells like pepper, dark purple when ripe, hard, yellow inside
Stems/Trunks: Beautiful rough and knotty trunk and branches
Range/Origin: Southern Europe
Comments: Moderate litter, No thorns, moderate littering
Home Maintenance Calendar:
July Home Maintenance Calendar Tree of the Month: #MonksPepperTree
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