John Eisenhower of SavATree joins us Saturday morning to discuss the the Tree of the Month: #ChinesePistache and our Monthly Tree Topic: #Over-SeededLawns
Scientific Name: Pistacia chinensis
Common Name: Chinese pistache
Origin: Midwestern China, Philippines
Landscape Use: Provides good shade, sometimes used in large residential areas or on commercial property, provides nice fall color.
Form: Tree; Strong & Flexible
Seasonality: Deciduous
Size: 25 ft to 40 ft High, 20 ft to 30 ft Wide; Moderate Growth Rate
Color: Great fall color, yellow to scarlet red.
Leaves: Foot long, lance shaped, compound
Flowers: Greenish flowers when deciduous
Fruit: Red berry ripens to blue-black on female trees
The Pistache Tree is the perfect combination of beauty and resilience, creating a desert tree that provides plenty of shade while enhancing your environment.
For more info visit:
Arizona State University's Virtual Library of Phoenix Landscape Plants
Sarah Maitland of 'SavATree' is joined by Dave Jernigan of 'The Gardner's Touch'. Together we discuss the Tree Of The Month: the Chinese Pistache. Plus, we cover the reasons you should consider this tree for the right space. Dave goes thru the steps of overseeding for winter rye lawns, the pros and cons of a winter lawn, irrigation tips and explains how plant growth regulators are used in lawns and trees.
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