Congratulations, you have discovered Arizona Homeowners’ favorite resource for finding a qualified contractor you can rely on to do the job right, at a fair price.

All of the Rosie on the House referral members are put through a rigorous screening process prior to beingf accepted, once accepted we monitor homeowner feedback very closely to ensure everyone’s on-going commitment to meet the standards set by the Rosie on the House Network.

ROTH reserves the right to change and update it’s membership as needed to maintain the high standard of service we have delivered for the last 10 years. In the event you have any dispute with any ROTH member, we encourage you to contact us immediately so we can instigate our complaint resolution policy. We have found our policy to be the best place to start for a quick resolution to any situation.

By using the ROTH referral network you agree to hold harmless and indemnify, ROTH Productions, Inc., along with their employees and officers in any action necessary with any ROTH member for any reason.


Use of any information on this site constitutes your agreement to hold harmless (and our officers, directors, affiliates and agents) from any damages or claims of every kind or nature rising out of or in any way connected with such disputes and your dealings or use of any information provided or service rendered by our staff, any of our referral network partners, our affiliates or agents.

Complaint Resolution

Use of any service or product by one of our referral network partners constitutes your agreement to work in good faith in resolving any disputes that may arise. The standard for complaint resolution is not set by you, the service provider or any other outside party, but by Rosie Romero alone. You agree to accept Rosie's verdict as the final word in any and all situations and conditions pertaining to your use of information or interaction with the website and referral network partners.

Restrictions of use, trademarks, and copyrights

This website is owned by ROTH Productions,Inc, LLC.and no materials or information from this website may be copied, republished, posted, hyperlinked, or transmitted for any purpose other than facilitating you in maintaining, repairing, or remodeling your house, home, castle or cabin. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and icons located in this website are the property of ROTH Productions, Inc, LLC unless otherwise noted. Nothing in this website constitutes a granting of use of any of these items, without the express written consent of Director of Roth Productions Inc., LLC.