COVID-19 Address: Based on the list of "Essential Services" provided by the Office of Governor Doug Ducey, construction and the trades are considered essential businesses at this time. We are happy to give you a referral for the work you need at your home.

Please be advised that we are not dictating or responsible for health and safety measures regarding COVID-19 taken by our third-party referrals. When you call these referrals or any service providers that will be coming to your home, be sure to ask what their practices are for protecting the homeowner. Ensure that you are comfortable with those practices before you schedule an appointment with them.

Likewise, if you or someone in your home has or may have COVID-19 or has been exposed to someone with the virus, please advise the contractor/service provider at the time of your call. Current information for appropriate times to self-quarantine and for cleaning can be found on the CDC website. Please be aware that people with the coronavirus may be asymptomatic and unaware they have the virus.


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