Here's an overview of this week's four-hour homeowner radio broadcast
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Weekend Wake-Up Hour Driven By Sanderson Ford
Sponsored by our friends at Sanderson Ford! ![]() |
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Outdoor Living Hour - Talking Trees with John Eisenhower ![]() John Eisenhower with Integrity Tree Service joins us to talk about all things trees including the Tree of the Month: #DesertMesquite! |
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Homeowner Topic: Open Lines! Weekly To-Do: #CabinetCondition
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Homeowner Topic: Know the Costs of Maintaining Your Home If you are looking for better home management, look no further. HomeZada is an online, digital home management program with a vision to provide the homeowner a valuable tool to manage their home and the assets and possessions in it. Get organized and start maintaining properly today! |
Roamin Rich talks about the preservation of Route 66! One alignment and landmark at a time!
Rich talks about his background and the history of Route 66. The road wasn't built, it was designated using existing dirt and gravel paths and roads. Took 12 years to pave the entire road. Illinois was the first to have their section paved.
The myths of Route 66. Was it one complete road? Does Arizona have the most in use, uninterrupted segments of Route 66?
Auburn, IL has a pristine section of Route 66 made with brick pavers open.
Discuss the Arizona towns that still celebrate the spirit in their downtown areas on Route 66.
Route 66 has its own famous song called 'Route 66', made famous by Nat King Cole.
Discussion of the drive on Route 66 to an original town on the road, Oatman, AZ. Famous for the mules that roam the town. Story of how the mules stayed in Oatman for decades.
Rich talks about his latest Route 66 landmark restoration project.....The Painted Desert Trading Post in Chambers, AZ
Details of The Route 66 National Historic Trail Designation Act in Congress.
The history of the owner Dotch Windsor. How he got electricity and water to operate the Trading Post in the middle of the desert. And the story of the airplane landing on the road and filling up at his pumps.
Rich and his co-op partners have a fund raising campaign buy purchasing a t-shirt with an original photo of what the trading post looked liked in its heyday. Click the link below to get yours. All procedes used for the Painted Desert Trading Post restoration project.
Rich talks about the other Route 66 landmarks and bridges they're working on preserving.
Rich gives the directions to the Painted Desert Trading Post.
Rich's website has a wealth of stories and videos about the entire Route 66.
Facebook: Route 66 Painted Desert Trading Post
Integrity Tree Service's John Eisenhower talks about the Trees Of The Month: The Mesquite and Pistache.
Pistache produces beautiful fall colors like red (red push) and yellow (chinese). Great shade, durable, symetrical shape tree. Does not produce fruit/nuts.
Caller (not on air) asked about how some trees produce a little or a lot of leaf litter. There are many different conditions that can affect that.
Tips for pruning for November. Little to no pruning especially for frost sensitive trees.
Focus on spraying olive trees. Illegal to plant fruit bearing olive trees but many exist.
Olives dropping off the trees can stain concrete and pavers. Over time stains will clean off naturally but it takes time.
Discussion of products/sprays to inhibit fruit growth. Keep existing olive trees from producing fruit and pods from mesquite trees.
Dialing back irrigation this time of year.
Discussion of tree care equipment.
Discussion of mesquite trees. Chilean thornless, Argentine thorns, Screw Bean.
The most popular is the Desert or Velvet mesquite. Durable, doesn't outgrow itself. A slower growth produces a stronger, taller tree.
Another to consider, The Texas Live Oak.
Discussion of growth of trees. A fast growing tree tends to be not as sturdy that a slow growing tree. Plus drop more leaf litter.
Losing a tree can be an emotional experience. Integrity Tree Service can evaluate troubled trees to find out whats causing the problem.
Wood chips versus composting. They're not the same and have different functions.
John talks about the establishment of the 'Green Team'. Sustainable practices like reducing paper use, reuse of tree trimmings and branches in other areas and more.
2019 Rosie On The House Home Maintenance calendar will be sent out soon. If you received a 2018 calendar by mail, you don't have to request one. You're on the mailing list.
CALLER: Insulating an attic. Has some recessed can lightning that was told leaked air. Wants to know how to insulate it properly.
Introducing a new partner S.A W. Design & Fiberglass Vigas in Tucson
Discussion of construction business becomes stagnant during the election cycle.
Prop 127 failed. It required power companies in Arizona to produce 50% of power with green energy like solar by 2030.
Our Weekly 'How To' about keeping kitchen cabinets clean and in working order before the holidays
Thanksgiving related conversation.
Romey discusses a recent story about a shady roofing contractor who received many complaints about his company. Reminder all of our partners are 'Rosie Certified'. They've gone thru a strict pre-qualification to become members. Part of our mission to become Every Arizona Homeowner's Best Friend.
Talking home financing with John Bodrozic of The Home Zada Digital App.
We go thru the app which keeps a digital record of your home finances, expenses, maintenance, remodeling, a complete history of your home.
Discussion of how Home Zada breaks down the financing aspect of your home. Based on your address, you'll get an estimated value of your home and quarterly updates.
It also tracks your mortgage information, home equity, and property taxes. Giving you up to date financial visibility to assist in future decisions.
There's a 'what if' feature to calculate your mortgage over time. What if you add X dollars to the principal? What does it take to pay it off early, save on interest.
Discussion of home expenses using Home Zada. Utilities, Insurance, Taxes, Yard/Pool Cleaning, Cable TV, Internet, Pest Control.
Home Zada allows you to budget for these expenses. And update if those expenses increase/decrease or removed.
User friendly for different devices from laptops to mobile apps.
Discussion of home maintenance and repair costs using Home Zada.
For repairs, consider budgeting 1-4% of the cost of your home as a guideline. If your home is 5 years old, 1%. For 25 plus year old home 4%.
Breaking down the maintenance part of Home Zada. Tracking preventive maintenance like air filters, caulking or hiring a company to do the work. And tracking cost of small fix it repairs like toilet flapper, garbage disposal.
Discussion of how to track big ticket items. Like a new roof, new air conditioning unit, kitchen remodel. You can plan ahead and budget over time to have the cash ready.
Using Home Zada is a great way to manage your home history to maximum efficency.
Consider taking photos of your home, its contents and updating them when improvements are made. You'll have a record in case of storm damage or fire for proof to insurance companies. Home Zada app make it simple from your phone.
Generate an asset and expense report for the current total cost of your home.
Try HOME ZADA for free. Plus look over the premium services for a reasonable fee.