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Commentary from Randy, continued from last segment
- Australian Bottle Tree may be a nice alternative
- Bill, has 24 inch box Jacaranda and the bark is peeling off
Recommendation: Tree Wrap or Tree Paint
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Perry, Is it too late to plant grapes?
Recommendation: It's not too late
- Keith, lives in Levine and Harper's Nursery came out to do the Landscape Design, Thank you, great job
- Bob, had a Eucalyptus that fell on his house. He sees a new root coming up 5 ft. from the house, what to do
- Dave, is getting wilting leaves on the bottom of his new tree
Recommendation: More heat means more water
- Rene, has two orange trees with peeling bark. Is she watering too much or not enough
Recommendation: Sun Damage is the cause, go higher with her tree paint or wrap, do not over prune
- John, what are the benefits of Pistache or Oak Trees
Recommendation: Pistache will lose leaves in Winter, Oak is EverGreen
- Marie, she has caterpillars on her Alderica Pine
Recommendation: BT or Thorocide
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- Phyllis, how can she kill the Bermuda Grass between the sidewalk cracks
Recommendation: Glyposate, KillzAll, Round Up
- Is going to put a lawn in, how does he prepare the soil
Recommendation: Til the mulch in, Gypsum, Compost, til, insert Sprinkler lines, then lay your sod
- Monica, has a peach tree. Her fruit is smaller, what's happening
Recommendation: Citrus Food, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Valentines Day; it may be time for a new tree