Eight O'clock Landscape Hour with John Jay Harper
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
Segment 1 (running time 11:59)
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Broadcasting from the Pella Windows & Doors Factory in Pella, Iowa!!
Gardening Tips of the Week:
- It is time to make sure your ready for summer.
- Make sure your watering systems are set correctly.
- It's time to get those summer plants in and established before the heat really hits.
- Lawns should be switched over.
- Laura - Putting in a new garden in metal cattle/water troughs. Does she need to put drainage holes in the bottom.
Recommendation - Yes, and she doesn't need to fill the entire trough with soil either.
Segment 2 (running time 6:47)
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- Chris - Switching to a summer lawn, what are his options other than sod?
Recommendation - You can seed Bermuda Grass and the process is the same as the fall process. Lots of water the first few weeks.
- Rose - Wants to transplant her Bird of Paradise plant. Tips?
Recommendation - Probably should have been done in the winter or early spring before it started growing again. Easier to move as a dormant plant.
Segment 3 (running time 11:31)
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- Ed -Is there a product we recommend for grubs in cactus plants?
Recommendation - Visit the Green Valley Nursery and use a product that contains imidacloprid. Bonide will have the right product for Ed.
- Kel - She has yellow leaves on her lemon tree from Iron Chlorosis. She's put chelated iron on the plant already, but how will she know it's working?
Recommendation - The leaves will turn greener again, but you might need more than just adding iron. Check the other symptoms....drainage issues, etc. Should only take a few weeks to get healthier.
- Dee - Added a mulberry tree for shade and is concerned about the root system invading her homes foundation.
Recommendation - It will need some space to grow and it might be best to take it out now before it gets to big and established.
Tips from Romey & Jennifer on new tools and ideas from the National Hardware Show.
Segment 4 (running time 6:41)
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- Wanda - Someone gave her a Hydrangea plant for Mother's Day. How do you care for it here in the heat?
Recommendation - Put it in a pot and be ready for a lot of watering! Not very easy to grow in our climate. Hydrangea's don't like the heat.
- Marcia - Needs to fertilizer and wants a natural product that won't harm her dogs.
Recommendation - Hickman's Family Farms has truly organic fertilizer.
Nine O'clock Hour with Rosie & Romey
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
Segment 1 (running time 12:00)
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Pella, Iowa is a beautiful Midwest town with a population around 10,000. Home to the annual
Tulip Festival and the historic Vermeer Mill which still grinds wheat into flour using only wind power. It's the tallest working windmill in the United States!
Guest Interview:
- Kathy Krafka Harkema of Pella Windows & Doors.
- John - He has a possible leak around his sliding glass door.
Recommendation: Probably has some bad flashing around the door. Call Lyons Roofing to investigate.
Segment 2 (running time 6:44)
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- Beverly - 5 year old windows are not operating smoothly anymore.
Recommendation - Call about your window's warranty because they should still be working great.
- Shannon - Thinking about installing luxury vinyl flooring.
Segment 3 (running time 12:35)
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- Debbie - Installed Pella windows 10 years ago and she loves them. She knows there are new bells and whistles on new products. Is there a local company that can upgrade her current windows with the new accessories.
Recommendation: The local Pella branch can help her. Call 480-355-3800 or visit
- Harriet - She needs a new front door and doesn't know how to measure for size and wants to know if she has to hire someone to install it too?
Recommendation: Always have an expert measure the door. If you personally order the door and it's the wrong size, you are on the hook.
- Cheryl - Reworking her backyard and wants to install synthetic turf along with natural grass in other areas. Does she need irrigation?
Recommendation: Install Easy Turf AND irrigation. She'll be able to water it down from pet waste, bird droppings, etc.
Segment 4 (running time 6:14)
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- Joanne -Loves her 50 year old "folding door" and wants extra doors.
Recommendation: Call your local Pella retailer or email the corporate headquarters.
- Lucille - She has a sliding glass door that won't slide anymore.
Recommendation: Freelite can help.
Ten O'clock Hour with Rosie & Romey
Broadcasting on KTAR & KNST, KAFF & KGVY: Click the segment links below to listen to the archive or click the iTunes icon to the right to download this hour's Podcast.
Segment 1 (running time 12:02)
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Signup to win the Sanderson Ford
Arizona StayCation Package!
A special thanks to the
Cerreta Candy Company for giving a lucky listener a basket of candy and chocolates.
Rosie talks about what it takes to be "Rosie Certified"
Learn about the extensive research and development that goes into a window and door.
Segment 2 (running time 6:44)
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Visiting with the owner of the Mountain West Branch of
Pella Windows & Doors, Don Foster and Sales Manager, Matt Lakko.
When it's time to replace your windows, do your research and find out what's right for you home's needs and your budget.
Mixing and Matching different types of windows is common practice. Go with a less expensive option in those "less seen" parts of the home.
Segment 3 (running time 11:04)
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When you're thinking about a window, you need to think about more than
just the frame material. Listen as we discuss different glazing types
and Low-E options.
Keep the heat out in the summer and still let the sun in! Stop blacking out your windows all summer long.
Benefits of New Windows:
- A cleaner home.
- Stop blocking off parts of the home just to keep your bills lower.
- Your home will be quieter.
- Add overall value to your home.
- It simply looks better!!
The John Riordan House in Jerome, an Arizona Staycation Partner.
Segment 4 (running time 7:14)
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- Mike -Has lot of daylight coming in underneath his doors and has problems with bugs, especially scorpions. Is there a type of weather stripping that we could recommend to close up those gaps and seal his home.
Recommendation: There are plenty of after market products that will help. Go with an adjustable sweep and make sure the corners are covered too. Use Food Grade D.E. to deter ants and scorpions too.
A special thanks to everyone from Pella Windows & Doors! The Rosie On The House Team is proud to be a partner with such a great company with great people.