7 Design Trends You Need To Be Aware Of Before You Remodel Print

7 Design Trends You Need To Be Aware Of Before You Remodel

Here's an overview of this week's four-hour homeowner radio broadcast



4/24/21 (running time 8-11AM)

8am grass icon 2

Outdoor Living Hour - Urban Farming with Greg Peterson

Urban Farm LogoFarmer Greg Peterson of the Urban Farm joins to talk about #SuccessfulSoil

We will also be taking your landscape and garden questions so give us a call!

newsletter line up icon 9AM

Homeowner Topic: 7 Design Trends You Need To Be Aware Of Before You Remodel

TWD Logos 2014 BLK logo WHTE box hirezThe goal of any home remodeling project is to create a functional, comfortable and clean environment that meets our needs as a family. Making our way through the past 12 months in a pandemic has forced a new way of living for many of us and the need for home improvements that accommodate our new lifestyle. While experts across the nation have made their predictions of styles and colors that will shape the year ahead, we've gathered these top design trends that you need to know about before you remodel this year...


newsletter line up icon 10AM

Homeowner Topic: Open Lines! 

Got a question? Call In! Chat with Rosie & Romey!

Weekly To-Do Topic: #ShopTheExperts for your home needs | Before you begin your remodeling or repair project, it is critical that you conduct due diligence on the contractors you hire. There are a few measures to take when completing your review of these companies. Tune-in and join the conversation about properly vetting contractors!

8:00AM - OUTDOOR LIVING HOUR! The Urban Farm With Farmer Greg!



Segment 1 (running time )

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The Urban Farm's Farmer Greg delves into creating healthy, successful soil to grow anything.

Explains the 5 components of healthy soil:  Dirt (which only has 1% organic matter), Air Space, Water, Organic Matter and All Things Living In The Soil.

The nutrients found in healthy soil helps plants grow.  Water is life.  Air space allows breathing.  Organic matter examples:  compost, woody mulch and worm poop!

Arizona Worm Farm feature composting classes

Segment 2 (running time )

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Greg explains why more life in the soil leads to better tasting food.  How the Brix Meter measures nutrient density in food grown in this soil.

How Gophers, Moles, Ants and others contribute to aerating the soil.

Segment 3 (running time )

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How water contributes to healthy soil.  Don't need much to irrigate.  Using repurposed and non chlorined water.

Greywater is legal to use in Arizona.  But only for trees and landscapes. 

If you have mushrooms popping up in the garden, Greg explains why its a 'Bonus' to the soil.

Organic Matter:  How to get free mulch from Chip Drop.com

Compost Suggestions:  Tanks Green Stuff, Arizona Worm Farm and Farmer Greg's Planting Mix.

Segment 4 (running time )

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Recycled City is an organization who turns food scraps into compost.

Greg clarifies the difference between compost and mulch.  How they are used and where to properly use it.

'Let The Weeds Do The Work'.   Using mallow (cheese weed) as an example for nutrients in compost.

Farmer Greg's Healthy Soil Hacked !  How microorganisms are the key to great results.

9:00AM - ON THE HOUSE HOUR! Remodeling Trends With TWD Design_Build_Remodel



Segment 1 (running time )

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Design trends you need to know about with TWD Design Build Remodel's Ron LaBrie and Showroom Designer Tracy Rokosz!

Covid has changed the family dynamic affecting current trends in remodeling.  People having to learn how to cook needing more storage space for food items, coffee makers, air fryers and more.

Creating work spaces.  Islands used for food prep and work space.  Converting dens into office space.  Changes in multi use of the kitchen.

Tracy's challenge getting popular items in the showroom including some of those trendy items.

Discussion of trending colors including the Color Of The Year, Urban Bronze.

Segment 2 (running time )

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Popular now are two color kitchen and cabinets.  Tracy explains.

CALLER:  Shared something the husband constructed to share space.  An electric adjustable height desk the moves up and down to sit or stand at the workspace. 

Segment 3 (running time )

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Sanderson Ford

Ron talks about the history of TWD and how it evolved into a full service award winning design, build and remodeling company.   For small and large projects.  Showroom at 2400 W. Union Hills Drive/Suite 110.

CALLER:  Building an outdoor kitchen in the backyard.  Using metal studs.  Should you put something under the studs because they're fastening them to travertine pavers.  Suggest any type of board underneath it and should it be waterproofed?   Caller details his project.

Countertop Trends.  Quartz is the most popular.  Also butcher block, granite, marble and interest in Deck Den which Tracy describes.  

Segment 4 (running time )

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How technology fits into trending remodeling.  Smart tech, touchless faucets, automation and motion detection appliances.  Faucets that pre-measure water by telling it for starters

Chip shortage is an issue in getting products that use them in a timely manner.

10:00AM - OPEN HOME HOUR! Finding The Right Contractor & Lots Of Homeowner Questions!



Segment 1 (running time )

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Rosie On The House.com features a wealth on homeowner information all free!

CALLER:  Just bought a home with a septic tank.  Never used a septic tank before and wants to know about monthly treatments advertised to keep the tank healthy and in good shape.  Recommendation using Bio Clean.  Rosie explains how it works.

What a septic tank is constructed with and how it functions.

Segment 2 (running time )

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CALLER:  Wants to know the difference between a leech field and a leech pit for a septic tank.

The Weekly To Do on doing your due dillagence in finding the right contractor for the job.  The Arizona Registrar Of Contractors website is a great place to start to find the current status of any contractor.  Designed to protect the Arizona homeowner.

Segment 3 (running time )

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Homeowner questions from The Red Binder:

A DIY project to repair cracks in a stucco wall.  Can and how to do it?

Odor coming from the shower drain and where is it coming from?

Can you paint light switches without removing them?

Is a walk in shower conversion a DIY project?  What does it entail?

The Book Gallery  

Segment 4 (running time )

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Regarding finding the right contractor, the current disruption in the supply chain has pushed back material deliveries longer than usual.  Rosie explains if you're hearing contractors having challenges, its true.  Rosie explains those challenges.

Takeaways from today's show!