Our programs strive to Feed, Clothe, House, and Heal deeply and meaningfully.
One visit at a time.
The visit, as a symbol, an emblem, a blueprint for effective action, is central to who we are as an organization.
The visit, in the home, across the Valley, and a thousand times a day in each of our dining rooms, ministries, and operation centers.
The home visit, which lays the welcome mat for our philosophy of service, as volunteers bring food boxes to a neighbor’s door, but stay, to nourish by their humanity.
The visit is what gives each program its pride of purpose, as we fight for our constituency with depth, intensity, empathy, and the patience lasting solutions require.
The Visit, by The Society
of St. Vincent de Paul.
Our programs strive to Feed, Clothe, House, and Heal deeply and meaningfully.
One visit at a time.
The visit, as a symbol, an emblem, a blueprint for effective action, is central to who we are as an organization.
The visit, in the home, across the Valley, and a thousand times a day in each of our dining rooms, ministries, and operation centers.
The home visit, which lays the welcome mat for our philosophy of service, as volunteers bring food boxes to a neighbor’s door, but stay, to nourish by their humanity.
The visit is what gives each program its pride of purpose, as we fight for our constituency with depth, intensity, empathy, and the patience lasting solutions require.
The Visit, by The Society
of St. Vincent de Paul.
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