Where can I find American made products? Text

Buying products for your home, tools, gear, gadgets, gifts and clothing from American manufacturers helps Americans keep their jobs and supports American owners who are struggling to keep their businesses afloat.
If this is important to you, resolve to buy American-made products whenever possible. Notice the name of the manufacturer of the product, and search the Internet to learn if that company is American-owned.
Here are a few Web sites that will give you an idea of where to find American-made products and how to make sure the money you’re spending stays in the pockets of American-owned companies. 

National Resources:

American Made Products:

Arizona Resources:

American Made, American Flags & Flagpoles:

Here’s a link to a video of an ABC News segment about builders who are buying American-made products for home building and remodeling:  http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2011/10/how-to-build-a-made-in-america-home/

ABC also devoted an additional page to “Made in America” products
