What Can I Do To Prevent West Nile Virus? TextAudioPicture

What Can I Do To Prevent West Nile Virus?

Prevention measures consist of community-based mosquito control programs that are able to reduce vector populations, personal protection measures to reduce the likelihood of being bitten by infected mosquitoes, and the underlying surveillance programs that characterize spatial/temporal patterns in risk that allow health and vector control agencies to target their interventions and resources.

How Is West Nile Virus (WNV) Spread?

Rosie on the House MosquitosYou can become infected with WNV if you get bit by a mosquito that is itself, infected with WNV. Currently there is not a vaccine that can help prevent an infection, so the best way to avoid it is to take external precautions to avoid getting bit in the first place.

The easiest and best way to avoid WNV is to prevent mosquito bites:

  • Keep mosquitoes outdoors. Make sure all your windows and doors have fully intact screens is a huge help. Also, using AC helps keep them away as well - their little bodies are no match against a good breeze! 
  • Do not let water pool and become stagnant. Get rid of mosquito breeding sites by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out. Keep children's wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren't being used.
  • Use insect repellent. When you are outdoors, or in an area with mosquitos, use insect repellent containing an EPA-registered active ingredient. Follow the directions on the package for safe use.
  • Cover up or consider staying indoors when the mosquitoes are most active. If you cannot find relief by simply staying indoors or are out on an adventure where there is no indoors, be sure to wear long sleeves and pants. Also, treat your clothing and gear (boots, pants, socks, tents, etc.)
    • Do not spray repellent on your skin under clothing.

Click here for more information, plus tips for babies and children.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Local Resources

Your Fellow Arizonans Mosquito Repellent Methods 

Tune-In to the podcast below to hear more. We asked your fellow Arizonans what methods they use to prevent getting bit by mosquitoes, there are some recurring answers so maybe some of these work! Here is what your fellow Arizonans had to say:

  • "My mosquito remedy ~ Keep husband off the patio - he's a mosquito magnet!" 
  • "Hang dryer sheets around your patio to deter mosquitoes."
  • "Another product that has good ratings is the DynaTrap DT2000XLP and is said to protect up to an Acre"
  • Rosie on the House Mosquito Coil"I have heard of this and just bought some to try: Vicks Vapor Rub repels mosquitoes. The smell of the menthol in it repels them. You can also rub it on mosquito bites and it relieves itching."
  • "Mosquitoes seem to love my feet!! When I go to bed at night I rub Vicks Vaporub on them. It seems to be helping?! Ants... I sprinkled a whole jar of red pepper flakes on the ant hill & then poured vinegar on it!! It killed the weeds, also!!"
  • "Mosquito repellent: Mosquitoes taste with their feet and if you have been eating a lot of garlic or a lot of pickles then the garlic or vinegar smell can seep out your skin and mosquitoes don't like it and won't stay to bite you"
  • "I was so excited to move out of New Orleans to get away from the mosquitoes. Not the case anymore. I spray a 50-50 mixture of water and vinegar on the patio. Seems to do the trick."
  • "We use a combination of a thermal cell, dynamic trap and a little Avon's skin so soft on our skin. Helps keep those mosquitos away"
  • "REI has a bandana that keeps bugs away" (ExOfficio BugsAway Woven Bandana)
  • "I'd suggest citronella candles, and I've used an electric zapper before and that worked very well."
  • "Fans, preferably at higher speeds."
  • "A propane insect fogger is what works for me, for 5 to 7 days"
  • "Incense, sage, and a standing fan to keep the air circulating"
  • Mosquitoes are mainly active at dusk and dawn. We avoid those times of being outside. We also use repellent, and if you are lucky as I am being hairy as they have a hard time to reach the skin. lol let your body hair grow."
  • "Are use a floor fan that's not quite industrial but bigger than an indoor house fan that isolates. That keeps the flying critters at bay very nicely."
  • "Mosquito Barrier brand spray mix. You'll never find Mosquitoes in a garlic patch"
  • "Stay inside"
  • "I use a few peppermint plants"
  • "Thermacell
  • "Mosquito Coil


Thinking about livening up your backyard? Want to attract wildlife and birds? Now that fall is approaching, start planning your backyard habitat and enjoy the birds, butterflies, and lizards that pop by for a visit. Plus, how to control the unwelcomed 'wildlife' like mosquitos, flies, ants and other pests so you can enjoy your backyard habitat.


Photo Credit

  • Shutterstock


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