Minding your manners!

04 December 2009
Few things eek the Romero's more than poor manners! Sadly we see more of them during the holidays than any other time of the year. Temper fuses shorten, driving manners worsen,

Wither your home amongst family and friend, out on the road running around, shopping at your favorite store or out to a dinner and movie it's our prayer you'll keep a few simple reminders front of mind.

When someone smiles, smile back.
Ask someone else what you can do for them.
Let the person in the vehicle ahead of you merge into your lane when they are signaling too and when someone lets you in, wave in acknowledgment. Don't walk past ten shopping carts on your way into the store to grab one up front. Take one from the parking lot into the store since you'll more than likely going to need one anyway. Hold the door open for others. It doesn't take be a moment.
Say thank you when someone shows you courtesy. Nothing will go farther in encouraging kind acts than a little gratitude towards someone making an effort.
Don't litter our beautiful state and report those that do to DontTrashArizona.com or 877-354-8837.
Most of all, remember the reason for the season. It's a sort life we live here on earth and our purpose is not to serve ourselves.

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