Fireplace Safety

19 December 2012
Here are the top tips you need to stay safe!

What are the best rules for Fireplace Safety?
  • Don't burn trash, smoke and ashes can be toxic
  • Don't use charcoal lighter of kerosene to light your fires, could flame up
  • Use a spark screen while burning, and a grate to lay your wood on
  • Be sure the damper is open before lighting your fire.

What safety precautions should I take with my gas fireplace?

Rosie urges anyone who converts a wood-burning fireplace to gas to take precautions to protect your family and your home from harm and practice good gas fireplace safety.

Whenever you use a gas appliance in your home, you run the risk that excess carbon monoxide will poison your family or that an untended gas flame will cause a fire.

You can prevent those tragedies by studying your manufacturer’s gas fireplace safety instructions and by following Rosie’s tips for enjoying your gas-burning fireplace without incident.


Can I clean a wood burning fireplace flue myself?
The biggest issue with a wood burning fireplace is that wood never burns completely.  Wood smoke is a combination of unburned gases and a fog of unburned tar-like liquids.  When they come in contact with a cool surface they will condense and form a nasty substance called Creosote.  Creosote is highly combustible and can leave a undesirable odor. When allowed to form a blanket in the interior walls of the fireplace, it could result in a chimney fire.  Other dangers can be:  faulty dampers, obstructions in the flue pipe, deterioration, exposed wood, and no chimney cap/spark arrestor.  This is all part of the chimney inspection and cleaning process. 


For more information, check out our Fireplace Category Page and for answers to all YOUR Landscape, Garden and Home Improvement Questions, visit our website at

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