(FAQ / Tree Tips for May!)
Irrigation: Re-set your irrigation timer/Water deeply, less frequently. Allow soil profile to dry out between waterings. Check soil moisture with probe
Tree Tips for May:
All ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Aspen Tree)
SavATree joins us and talks about the Tree of the Month, the Aspen Tree and our Monthly Tree Topic: #OystershellScale
Tree of the Month: #AspenTree
Scientific: Populus tremuloides ...
(FAQ / Oystershell Scale On Aspen Trees)
Oystershell Scale On Aspen Trees
Our friends from SavATree join us this Saturday! Together we'll be talking #OystershellScale on #AspenTrees!
Tune-In below as we discuss the following:
Oystershell ...
(FAQ / Plant Health Care)
Caring for your plants
We've spent time, and money caring for our plants, so it's natural we want to do everything we can to care for them.
Tune-in below as we talk with our friends from SavATree ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Chinese Evergreen Pear)
SavATree joins us and talks about the Tree of the Month, the Chinese Evergreen Pear and our Monthly Tree Topic: #PruningYourTrees
Tree of the Month: #ChineseEvergreenPear
Scientific: Pyrus ...
(FAQ / Benefits of Trees)
SavATree talks about the Tree Of The Month, the Chinese Elm/Evergreen Elm and the benefits of trees.
Benefits of Trees
There are more #BenefitsOfTrees than their simple beauty.
According to ...
(FAQ / Frozen Lawn Damage)
Frozen Lawn Damage
It's difficult enough taking care of your lawn in the hot, dry heat of Arizona Summers; but in the winter it can also freeze! When the temperatures get cold enough to cause frost, ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: White Mulberry Tree)
SavATree discusses the Tree of the Month: the White Mulberry Tree and our Monthly Tree Topic: #FrozenLawnDamage
Tree of the Month: #WhiteMulberryTree
Scientific: Morus alba ...
(FAQ / November Tree Tips & Holiday Plant Lights)
Holiday Plant Lights
Tis' the season for lights! #HolidayPlantLights are always beautiful and won't hurt your plants when adorned properly. Plus the Tree Of The Month: #ChineseElm. ...
(FAQ / Why Am I Losing Water From My Toilet Bowl?)
Why Am I Losing Water From My Toilet Bowl?
As we always do, Rosie on the House was answering homeowner questions one fine, Saturday morning. Every once in a while, a homeowner manages to stump us; this ...
(FAQ / Overseeding Your Lawn)
Overseeding Your Lawn
Fall is the time of year when Arizonans start planning for the new lawn in their yard. You need to decide what kind of grass you'd like to plant, how big of an area you want your ...
(FAQ / Soil Enhancement)
Soil Enhancement
Cooler temperatures means Fall is in the air!! With the welcome break from the heat comes happy plants. Tune-in to the podcast below with John Eisenhower of SavATree for more in depth ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Canary Island Pine)
John Eisenhower of SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Canary Island Pine and our Monthly Tree Topic: #SoilEnhancement
Tree of the Month: #Canaryislandpine
Scientific: Pinus ...
(FAQ / Disease Preventatives for Trees)
Disease Preventatives for Trees
One of the most important measures for ensuring health and longevity for the living trees we care for, is to keep them healthy - a.k.a prevent them from catching disease! ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Weeping Acacia Tree)
John Eisenhower of SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Weeping Acacia Tree!
Tree of the Month: #WeepingAcaciaTree
Form & Character: Evergreen, medium in size, tree
Seasonal Color: They ...
(FAQ / Seasonal Storm Preparation for your Trees)
Seasonal Storm Preparation for your Trees
When a monsoon storm blows through, it can be really tough for your trees. We here at Rosie on the House turn to the experts at Integrity SaveATree who ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Canary Date Palm)
John Eisenhower of Integrity SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Canary Date Palm and our Monthly Tree Topic: #SeasonalStormPrep
Tree of the Month: #CanaryDatePalm
Scientific: Phoenix ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Palo Brea Tree)
John Eisenhower of Integrity SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Palo Brea Tree and our Monthly Tree Topic: #Irrigation
Tree of the Month: #PaloBreaTree
Scientific: Parkinsonia ...
(FAQ / When To Fertilize Palms In Arizona)
5/8/21 TALKING TREES: #FertilizePalms & the #CarobTree
Grab a pen and paper, we've got lots of great information to go over!
Tree of the Month: Carob Tree | Scientific Name: Ceratoni ...
(FAQ / Tree of the Month: Ocotillo)
John Eisenhower of Integrity SavATree talks about the Tree of the Month, the Ocotillo!
Tree of the Month: #ocotillo
Form: Shrub
Seasonality: Deciduous perennial
Size: 25 feet tall with ...